Sunday, August 09, 2009
The "It's a small world" story, as told by Mom, via Amy.
Though my brother has flown back to Turkmenistan, Amy and the boys have stayed stateside for a few extra weeks to visit friends and family. Currently they are with her family in a tiny town called Fairplay, SC. Fairplay is sneezing distance from the SC/GA border up near I-85. It's a tiny, cute, quite little town. Saturday night, Amy and her family decide to go out to eat and wind up at "The Spotted Pig" barbecue restaurant in Fairplay. At some point she noted someone sitting at a nearby table and she just kept thinking "I know him. How do I know him?" Then when she heard him talking she recognized his voice and it all clicked: It was Doug. Keep in mind that Fair Play is probably 100 miles from where Doug lives and thousands of miles from where Amy lives.(wavy flashback lines) Doug AKA "Douglas Brake" released a wildly successful children's album, "Sizzle, Hiss, Pop" earlier this year. ![]() Available at Apparently the nephews are entertained but not bananas over the CD, however, the boy's cousins (children of Amy's sister Stephanie) are hog wild over it. (Hog wild, Spotted Pig, Barbecue. It's funny, just hang on.) The CD is apparently in heavy rotation in the van. (wavy lines again) So Amy suddenly realizes that "Douglas Brake" is right there, live and in person, so she walks over to talk to him. Apparently Doug has family in the area as well and was up visiting. Amy ask Doug to come meet one of his biggest fans (obviously not in the physical sense). Doug went over and greeted everyone. I'm not sure how many people at dinner really grasp just how "serendipitous" the event was. I am sure Amy and Doug did. To add a further twist to things, Amy doesn't know that Dough is the creative mastermind behind the naming of my soft drink "Fauxganberry. I have reworked the recipe again and been making batches of it off and on this summer. I finally have gotten what I think it a suitable beverage and I took it to my parent's house while Jeff, Amy, and the boys were there. I am now state that my Fauxganberry is "Kid tested and mother approved." The kids are obviously my nephews and Amy and my mother both gave it the thumbs up. Since Amy has been to culinary school, her opinion is key, not just from the mother's perspective, but also from the "does this work" perspective. She's got trained taste buds. I eat chocolate covered bacon and Cool Ranch Doritos on Krystals. After dinner, apparently phone calls were flying. Amy called my mother, who called me. Apparently Doug called Jimmy who called Chris. Since I am reporting the event at least 3rd hand (I don't have three hands) I am sure to leave out details. I fully expect updates and additions from Doug, possibly Amy (though not likely) my mother, Jimmy, or Chris. Until then, go grab a copy of Doug's CD. Go grab several of them. You now have proof they make amazing, almost magical gifts. It's great if you have kids. It's great if you are a kid. It's great if you act like a kid. It's great if you ever were a kid. Heck it's great if you wish you were a kid. ![]() |
Saturday, July 04, 2009
4th of July
I was in the middle of working on my annual July 4th blog post, covering the Nathan's Hot Dog contest. (No link today as web traffic overwhelmed their servers this morning.) Bottom line: Joey Chestnut won again, Kobayashi in second, the record was shattered again. I'd also located one of my favorite Independence Day videos: If the video above doesn't play, click here You'll recall in my last post, prior to leaving for vacation, I encouraged you to research the word "Ocracoma." In a word Ocracoma is the feeling of total relaxation you get when you visit the outer banks, and in particular the tiny outer banks island of Ocracoke. I got to spend a tiny bit of my vacation on Ocracoke, and camped out one night at "Teeter's Campground" just off British Cemetery Road. Oh I can certainly see myself returning for vacations for many years, though stocking up on bug repellent will be required. The village of Ocracoke is on the southwest end of the island and doesn't get the full force of the Atlantic winds, so the biting insects tend to have a field day. I had the news playing in the other room and heard "Ocracoke." Since OKE is a good 3 hours away, we don't usually get them in the news here in Wilmington, so I hopped up to see what they were saying. Apparently a tractor trailer with fireworks for the Ocracoke celebration exploded this morning beside the ferry dock. The "Scott McNally" in the story owns and runs the restaurant SMcNally's. I had dinner there on Wednesday night and met Scott as he was restocking one of the beer coolers. His restaurant is sneezing distance from where the explosions happened. View Larger Map This is the ferry dock at Ceder Island, at the other end of the 2 hour, 20 minute ferry ride. This gives you an idea of what the dock on Ocracoke looks like, so you can compare it with this picture: All of the people involved in the explosion are from a company in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (Fireworks are illegal in NC but legal in SC.) They were up for the 4th of July celebration, of course. Despite the fact the people were not from Ocracoke, an incredibly tight knit community, this event is sure to hit the island hard. Fourth of July is one of the biggest events on the island each summer as it brings in tourists from all over, and Ocracoke's economy is completely dependent on tourism, in particular summer tourism. The news websites I linked to above are being constantly updated as this is still considered a breaking story. Check back later as more pictures get posted as well. |
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This is what a vacation should be.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What's new at Krystal?
Despite being exiled to Burgatory, I still keep up with what's going on at Krystal. They make it very easy with their blog as well as Facebook and Myspace pages, plus Twitter. And of course there's the classic In fact Krystal does such a good job of spanning the various information outlets that Krystal Marketing VP, Brad Wahl, was invited to speak on them at a recent national trade show. Read that close. Krystal, a regional favorite was invited to speak at a national conference. And look at the other 4 people invited. McD's of course. Dunkin Donuts? Well ok. Where's the King? Where's that red haired girl, Wendy? And the Taco Dog? No where. Despite only covering about a third of the country, Krystal outshines some of the bigger national chains. You knew it. I knew it. It's time the rest of the world knew it. Via the internet, it is possible. And remember folks, you and I and Krystal Adventures were there in the beginning, as Krystal first dipped its toe into the social network pond with Krystal-lover Blog almost 3 years ago, thanks to Kenny, Tiffany, and Jennifer. Since I am a regular reader (that means daily) of Krystalist, I've seen an awful lot of new Krystal products hit the stores. Sadly, I have been unable to get to the stores to try most of them. On those rare occasions that I do get near a Krystal I have to overindulge to try and catch up. For example, on my recent trip through the Atlanta Airport I obviously got the standards for breakfast. It is called the Magic Minute, because for a brief moment you can order off BOTH menus. Since they are switching out the menus though you need to know what you want as it may not be up there. Knowing I wouldn't be able to get back for Breakfast on my return flight, I ran back up to order their new French Toast sandwich. Unfortunately on a 1 to 5 K scale, my sandwich only got 3 Ks. Admittedly it had to stay sealed up in its wrapper as I made my way to concourse C, and perhaps if it was fresh would have been better. My french toast was a bit dry and tough. Since I had gotten the last one of the day, that may also have contributed. You get a large sausage patty, I would love to have a choice of bacon instead. I don't remember if there was cheese or not. The reason I don't remember the cheese is that I was overwhelmed with the syrup. Of course French Toast deserves syrup. But this was not maple syrup it was clear, almost like a glaze, and it was EVERYWHERE. But speaking of messy, on my trip back home, it was clearly lunch time. There's lots of great new lunch times on the menu. I opted not to go with any of the new Krystal Freeze flavors because I think if your head is frozen when the cabin loses pressure, your skull explodes. ![]() |
Friday, June 12, 2009
I will eat them here or there. I will eat them EVERYWHERE!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
We call her Granny
My grandmother died yesterday. I still have not come to grips with that simple statement. It was, at the same time, a surprise and not unexpected. She'd been in the hospital, but just hours earlier plans were being made for her to go home. My grandmother died yesterday. I really wish at this point I could be thoughtful or funny, or entertaining, or wise, but I can't. The only thing I seem to be capable of is being numb. What is getting me through life at this point is the knowledge that she is now, finally, reunited with her best friend, my grandfather, after being apart for 19 years. I am reminded of one of the best eulogies I have seen or heard in my life. I watch Craig Ferguson on occasion. Usually he's on a bit too late for me. But last Christmas vacation I caught the episode just after his mother had died. The entire episode can be out split into parts online, but this is my favorite. If the video above doesn't play click here (The poem is incorrectly attributed to Victor Hugo.) Parable of Immortality Author: Henry Van Dyke I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, "There she goes!" Gone where? Gone from my sight . . . that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, "There she goes!" there are other eyes watching her coming... and other voices ready to take up the glad shout... "Here she comes!" Perhaps someday I will. Right now, though, my words fail the emotions I have, and fall woefully short of what it would take to honor my grandmother. I hope that, at least for now, you'll allow Craig to speak on my behalf. |
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Off and Up-Out!
I know there will be one or two people who saw my post on "urban" flying and may think it borders on poor taste. Many years ago, I would probably have agreed. Heck the guys who make the Airplane movies are unapologetic in their humor. If the video above doesn't play, click here. If the video above doesn't play click here. If the video above does not play click here. ![]() |