The plane was slightly delayed leaving Wilmington due to weather, and we did 2 or 3 laps around Atlanta waiting to land. It also got bumped from C concourse to D concourse. I had wisely factored in plenty of time between connecting flights so I was not worried. As we exited the plane and were walking down the ramp the lady in front of me with the stroller and the pull luggage asked "Do you know this airport very well?" I know some folks know it better than I do, but I think I do OK. "Pretty good." I replied. "Can I make it to the B concourse in 10 minutes?" "No." If she'd asked me if I could make it my reply would have been "Maybe" because I didn't have a stroller, my legs are longer, and I knew where I was going. I calmly pointed her in the direction of the escalator down to the tunnel that connects to the other concourses and then I got out of the way of all the other people who believed they could make their connecting flights. After the rush had slowed I made my way down to the train and up to Concourse A. At the top of the escalator, I turned and looked real hard. Can you see it? I know it was tough to pick out for me too. However, I have the benefit of being able to smell. I knew exactly where to go. I probably could have found it with my eyes closed. In fact I think a lot of people in the airport walk around with their eyes closed. Listen people, it's very simple:Stay to the right if possibleSlow people to the outsideNo one is shooting at you so there's no need to bob and weave and take evasive actionIf you stop you are immediately in the way, so step to the wall as soon as possibleYour luggage is behind and beside you. Just because YOU can "squeeze through" doesn't meant your bags willGroups walk single file or two abreast, not 8 abreast The same could probably be said for the people in line at Krystal. The grounds crew workers were standing in the line at Krystal being social. Oh they weren't ordering anything or waiting on their order. they were just chatting with each other. Not a problem until you have 3 or 4 potential customers who cannot get through the line due to the grounds crew workers. In hindsight I should have gotten some orange flashlights and I probably could have directed them to go "park it" in the chairs on the other side of the concourse. My trip down to Florida was a designated Breakfast stop at Krystal. I technically had time to get lunch, but I saved that for the trip back. Those pictures will be later. This is a picture just outside the People Mover at the Atlanta airport. If you read the sign closely it does in fact call it a "Train." With that verification I am proud to announce that I have now added "Train" to the list of places I have eaten a Krystal. I have no pictures of myself eating that Krystal. The problem is the people mover is either accelerating to stopping. It does both in a span of a couple thousand feet. Try to balance luggage, a camera, and a Krystal, while avoiding whiplash. I opted to eat the Krystal, and gave up on the photo op. I have looked into taking an train down to Jacksonville, Fl to see Courtney at some point, and perhaps then I can have a Krystal on a REAL train. There is no doubt, however, that I ate a Krystal on a plane. At first I was worried that my Krystal Snack might bother the people around me. But when the guy beside me was text messaging the entire flight (yes that is against the rules, just like using a cell phone) I decided I didn't much care what he thought, and if his inability to control his texting was going to kill everyone on board, I should at least enjoy a tasty Krystal before I had to assume the crash position. I am starting to come to the realization that the reason the airlines have to make all those idiotic announcements is that there are a lot of idiots flying these days. I assure you that had the masks dropped from the ceiling, I'd have had no problem putting my mask on before assisting the idiot beside me. I am quite sure he would be unable to put it on himself. I may also have waited a few minutes before actually helping him, with the hopes that he's just go to sleep. (It's a proven fact that stupid people are smarter when they're asleep than when they're awake.) |
# posted by JasonJ1052 @ 8:10 AM