Friday, May 12, 2006


The Telegraph Article

Nothing technically "New" today. Finally got a chance to sit down and do some geek-work for this site. Ever since the article hit the paper I had been wanting to get a scanned copy up on the web, so people could see the picture as well. I finally got it scanned in, but it's rather long. It was the full length of the paper. Rather than posting one very long, but skinny, picture, I did a tad bit of coding, and came up with a scrolling picture.
Sadly, for those getting my blog via e-mail, I have no idea what this will look like to you. I suspect some email systems will bounce this email, and some will just simply show the whole picture. You may have to venture to the web site to see.
Lets just call this a learning experiment. Everyone put on their safety goggles!
Krystal Lovers get more in the sack!.

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