Saturday, March 17, 2007
News Nibblets
Its been a busy weekend for me and the rest of this month is looking to be a bit crazy, too, with at least 2 road trips coming up. But before I move too far away from the topics, I wanted to go back and hit a few small details. First of all, in my post a couple of weeks back about Wiener Works I completely forgot to point out that was perhaps one of the greatest names ever for one of the new ED or "male enhancement" pills on the market. It is also rather interesting that a slight (but common) change in spelling to Weiner Works connects you to a Chauffer service. What exactly are they implying about their services? Who is the brainiac that came up with that idea, and what did the rest of the people in the meeting say when he mentioned it: "Hey I know our business is down. People don't need luxury transportation like they used to. But I have a great idea to reel them in. Let's get a web site, and lets make it something that could be confused with a hot dog stand or a cure for impotency." "Brilliant!" My recent post regarding organ donations and more precisely Eater X's mother's need for a kidney. I was prompted to mention it because one of Georgia's recent and very popular legislators recently died of lung cancer and in his memory a new bill has been pushed through Congress and should hopefully zoom through the Senate to make some types of donations easier to accomplish. The type of donation referenced called "paired donations" works something like this: Maybe I need a kidney. My brother, Jeff isn't a compatible donor for me. However, he is a compatible donor for someone else, who happens to have a friend that is compatible with me. The bill smooths the paperwork and red tape in a donation such as that. I am all about cutting through red tape. In fact I think Office Depot and Staples should band together and stop selling red tape. Make a statement for goodness sake! Who really likes red tape anyway? So I have been back in the kitchen again. I couldn't stay away and I couldn't give up. I have returned to my efforts to try and mimic Loganberry, again. All of my past efforts were coming up short. I blame that on childish enthusiasm without the benefit of mature thought and reason. I have slowed down and done some research and made some exceptional break throughs. In reading up on the internet on making my own soda, I worked my way backwards into several home brewing websites. Knowing that my friend Chris is an exceptional home brewer, I contacted him. While he has never personally "brewed" a soda before he referred me to his brother, Lance, who has done some before. Chris also directed me to a few web sites, including "Brew Your Own" ( where I located a good root beer recipe. The big problem is that I hate root beer. We do have a Homebrew store in Warner Robins where I work. The problem is, they also sell weapons and ammo at the same location, so I fear my questions about "brewing a soda" might annoy them and they'll shoot at me. With my new ideas, I decided that since I had been making my drink completely cold, and that perhaps "cooking" might enhance the flavors some. I also found a new ingredient I was missing. In the spirit of my favorite cartoon villain, Mojo Jojo I shall refer to this new ingredient as "Chemical X." Why all the secrecy? Well you see I have made an amazing discovery in my own kitchen. This stuff is wonderful! Fruity, tart, sweet, refreshing, and 100% natural. (Yes even Chemical X qualifies as natural.) I am not yet ready to tell the world of the top secret recipe. Perhaps I can start my own business. Since Aunt Rosie's has left the world hanging, I shall call mine "Uncle Jason's." I also have some hesitation in calling it "Loganberry" when there are, in fact, no actual loganberries in it. (Then again there aren't any Loganberries in Cronfelt's Loganberry either.) When I presented my problem to my friends at Chris' superbowl party, my friend Doug (ever the creative genius) came up with the new name: Uncle Jason's Faux-ganberrySo you see, if Aunt Rosie can do it, why can't I? I will certainly need some bottles and supplies to sterilize them. If nothing else I now have something amazing to take to parties. I feel quite certain it will mix well with many different types of adult beverages. Ain't This Yummy? ![]() |
Labels: Loganberry, Recipe, Warner Robins