Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Meal 2: Chattanooga Chicken
After a brief retreat to my hotel room I felt up to another assault on the miracle menu at the Krystal on Brainerd Rd. In hindsight I should have waited longer. But I had a full list of the menu items and had planned out my next attack. I was eager to get it on! I decided this meal would be drive through so I could get back to the hotel to catch Take Home Chef. The second meal would also be the meal of chicken! Now for those who have Buffalo connections (Amy and Chris) don't get your hopes up on these. These are the southern version of Buffalo Wings. The same goes for people from Philadelphia who want to complain that the Krystal Philly Toaster isn't a "real" Philly Cheesesteak. If you wanna get all grabby about who "owns" certain foods you can give back Coke, Pepsi, and RC Cola while you're at it. Of course I'll have to fight ya to the death over the Loganberry. Now where was I? Oh yeah. I did run into a problem though. Picture with me, if you will: long skinny chicken tender, shallow container of sauce. Much like jumping off a high dive into a wading pool, you only get one good shot at it. I wound up pouring the ranch onto the chicken instead of dipping the chicken in the ranch. It was still very good, but I think driving and dipping might not work so well. Perhaps to make up for the dipping difficulties, you are rewarded with this greeting once you clean your I passed on a dessert for this meal. With a Milkquake under my belt from earlier, I didn't feel I'd be able to handle a Sundae or a Rock Slide. (I was right, I would later find out). So completely full and utterly satisfied, I curled up in bed with a book and drifted off to sleep. With visions of chicken and toasters dancing in my head. |
Labels: Chiks, Loganberry, Macon, Pups, Recipe