Tuesday, January 20, 2009


My father got a wounded knee at Gettysburg

I know this post is going a bit out of order but you'll understand soon enough.
Whenever I return to Conyers, I will inevitably have people ask me how my parents are doing. With my joining Facebook and reconnecting with a lot of my old high school and college classmates, the questions are coming online as well. Throw in the 20 year high school reunions (my brother's 2 years ago, mine coming this year) and I am surprised the question hasn't shown up on Jeopardy.
You can always tell how someone knows my father by the name they refer to him. He had one name prior to joining the Marines. He had another name while in the Marines. Those that know "The Major" should easily pick him out of this photo while he was just "The Lieutenant." My best estimate is this is Viet Nam, late 60's.
After retiring and moving into teaching (Marine JROTC) he became "The Major" and has since gone on to a few other names as well (keep reading). At one point he was actually a juggling clown in Shrine parades. I don't recall his Clown name.
These days he often goes by "Pops" (my mother is "Nana"). Both of these were due to my nephews being born. I have two cousins who used to refer to my grandparents (my father's parents) and MeeMaw and PeePaw and it irritated my father to hear HIS father called "PeePaw." So when time arrived for my brother's first child my parents were asked what they wanted to be called. (My grandmother is still called "Granny" much to the confusion of her great grand children.)
This is Christmas dinner last month. Clockwise around the table from the bottom: My grandmother, JP (my Uncle-in law), JP's friend (who makes amazing cakes), Aunt Pam (JP's daughter), my father (hiding) and my mother.
The reason I bring this up today is that probably around the time I am posting this message, My father is likely to be rolling into surgery. They tell me it's "routine" surgery. My grandmother got a pacemaker beck before Christmas and I was told that was "routine" as well. I am sorry but to me any time you cut into a human being to remove or add things, that's not routine. It's not like if the doctor has an "oops" moment, the table vibrates and buzzes and my father's nose lights up.
This morning my father is due to have a knee replaced. His other knee may not be that far off. He probably could have done with new knees several years ago. His knee has been wrecked for years. But those who know the Jennette's know we're incredibly stubborn. Sometimes we're too stubborn. I suspect my father was just too stubborn to let gravity win and just fall down. Until he went to fight in Gettysburg.
Yes, my father's latest passion is Civil War reenacting. Of course it fits right in with his love of the military and history and the Civil War. Somewhere along the lines he's picked up "Jake" as his reenacting name. He now uses that name in regular conversations, which I find hilarious. He's been quoted as "Jake" in several papers and magazines on reenacting. (He has his story on where "Jake" comes from, but to me, "Jake" was the neighbor's dog in Conyers.)
There is no truth to the rumor that, since my brother now technically outranks my father in the (real) military that my father rejoined the (reenacting) military simply to "one up" my brother. It comes as no surprise that "Jake" quickly moved up through the ranks and made General last year. (Or as I like to call it "Pretend General")
When you are a General you ride a horse. Horses are very tall. My father is not very tall. This was a concern. Eventually they found a nice old tired horse for "General Jake" to ride. I use the term "ride" loosely as most of the time they just stand around and look at the battle. Jake uses hay bales to get on and off his horse.
Well, long story short, back in July while at the Gettysburg reenactment, The General and his horse got into one of those little "you go left.. no I'll go left.. no you go left.. oops!" sort of moments you see on Funniest Home Videos. Normally, laughter ensues. Unfortunately this left my father on the ground with a busted knee. The next few months of tests and treatments (think of taking your car in for an oil change and lube) were not effective so he gets a brand new knee today.
While he's been waiting for this latest "fix" he's been walking with a "cane." It's black, got a million knots on it, and probably should be registered as a weapon. I suspect during his rehab and therapy he'll keep carrying it. Just in case anyone gets out of line.

Pops and JP recovering from Christmas dinner
The reason I am posting this is, of course, to ask for you to throw some happy thoughts and prayers this way today and over the next few weeks of therapy. Partly for my father but also for the people who have to put up with him. (Just kidding. Kind of.)
Speaking of that, a brief update on my mother. She's done the occasional part time work with the nursing program at her local college. But her full time job lately seems to be putting up with my father, or helping out my grandmother. And now that my brother, his wife, and their three boys are out of the country, she's been spending time with her sisters. She does the reenacting stuff with Pops as long as its not too hot or too cold. She's also been making my father's uniforms and her reputation as a civil war seamstress is growing. Since it has to be 100% period materials, that's no easy task. And that stuff can be outlandishly expensive. I figure that enough for now.
Let this post also serve as a warning to those who has come to feel "safe" over the years with the knowledge that "The Major" was getting older and slower and a long way away (Jimmy. Chris.) My father's got a new knee and you only need one good knee to kick someones butt. Once he gets his other knee he'll be completely mobile again. And as you know he can show up anytime anywhere and without warning, just like a ninja. My best advice is to stay out of trouble and keep your eyes open.
Now that I think about it, after posting those pictures, I am going to start running now and get a head start.
I'm A Krystal Lover

Prayers, best wishes & a very speedy recovery to your Dad. :o)
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