Monday, September 29, 2008


All good things come from...

Back in the mid and late 90's while I was working at The Bibb Company, I got put on the Y2K team. What I found extremely funny was that once the public got utterly freaked out by the people trying to profit from the Y2K panic, they began screaming and begging for computer programmers to save the world. The reason this was funny was: Who the heck do you think CAUSED the Y2K problem in the first place? Right! Computer Programmers.
After the "Bail out" (named after what you do when your ship is sinking) didn't pass today, the folks in Washington went to their standard response: blame everyone else. Scream even louder. Make up even more horrifying stories of what will happen. All because the general public has reservations about letting the people who caused the problem fix the problem.
Lets face it, when was the last time Congress had a balanced budget? No, a REAL balanced budget, not the ones that are only balanced by stealing money from the Social Security Trust Fund? When was the last time Congress passed a budget that didn't include stupid, pointless spending programs ("Pork") like bridges to nowhere, and million dollar outhouses in the woods? And don't even get me started on the national debt which is too big to fit in most calculators. Congress can't be trusted with the money we already give them, why on Earth would we want to give them more money and control over most of the housing loans in the country?
So while they're dragging the CEO's of these banks and businesses out in the street and stripping them of their golden parachutes and massive salaries, perhaps we should also drag most all of our Congressmen out in the streets and do the same.
If a company fails to make a profit, their executives should fail to make a profit as well. If the United States fails to make a profit, then our elected officials should fail to make a profit as well. Our President is the CEO of the USA and Congress is our Board of Directors. Our company has gone WAY into the red, and not in the Red White and Blue way. If we were a real company we'd probably have filed for bankruptcy reorganization just like The Bibb Company did back in the late 90's. That means a lot of the top officials are out on their butts ASAP.
The biggest fear coming out of Congress right now? Not a depression or economic crisis. They are scared of not getting elected.
With approval ratings in the single digits and a country in the shape ours is in, NO ONE should be re-elected in November.
Yes I know. I have read the studies. Everyone gives Congress a 5-9% approval rating, but gives their own Congresspeople high marks. Essentially they're saying "My Congressman is great, but everyone else's sucks." Seems to me that is 95% of the country is saying your Congressperson sucks, then perhaps they may have something. So if your congressman gets re-elected it's a sure sign that you amongst idiots.
As a side note in regards to The Bibb Company. The "solution" for their Y2K problem was this:
If the year is less than 50, we'll add 2000 to it to give 2000-2050.
If the year is greater than 50, we'll add 1900 to it to give 1950-1999.
I pointed out that they'd simply replaced the Y2K problem with the Y2K+50 problem. They simply postponed the problems by 50 years. The reply from the programs? "So what? I won't be working here then."
That scheme smells a lot like the $700 Billion Bailout.
Yup, people placed their trust in THOSE computer programmers at Bibb Company to "fix" the problem. Do you REALLY want to trust Congress with an additional $700 billion to fix our problems?
Oh, and you don't have to worry about The Bibb Company's products being Y2K compliant, or even Y2K+50 compliant. Bibb Company made textiles and bedding. Pillows, comforters and sheets tend to be unaffected by date and time irregularities. However if your pillowcase does happen to explode or stop working in 2050, you'll need to call Dan River to get a replacement, because Bibb Company never survived their "scheme." It was chopped up and sold off in parts to the competition.
Do you think Canada would buy Alaska? Maybe we could sell Florida to Cuba? Can we put California up on EBay?
Krystal Lovers get more in the sack!.

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