Friday, June 27, 2008

Big cups in Jacksonville

While I was visiting Courtney down in Jacksonville I saw some amazingly large fountain drink cups. They rivaled the 7 Eleven Double Gulp.
Not far from Courtney's house is a convenience store named Daily's. Apparently they don't want you to know about their stores in jacksonville, since a search of their web site and store locator shows nothing in the Jacksonville area, and only mentions stores in Tennessee.
Courtney goes there for her 12 packs of Coke products. Since I am well known as a top notch sherpa I was recruited to help load twelve packs. As Courtney was paying for her drinks I something in the back of the store attracted my attention.
When you see such a wide selection of fountain drinks, you can be fairly certain there will be big cups. I slowly snuck to the back of the store and had my suspicions confirmed.
The cups on the left are for the Icee machine. I get brain freeze just thinking about a 32oz Icee. But the cups on the right are for the extended fountain drink selection. When your smallest cup is 20oz, you know they're serious. In fact their second smalled size, 32oz, matches Circle K's biggest "Thirstbuster". But Daily's keeps going. 44oz, and then the monster 64oz.
I know they aren't 99¢ each, but just just can't pass up a soda that big. How big is it, you ask? Well, using's unit conversion function:
To put this into perspective, those of us who know Gallon Man know that 64oz is 2 quarts. Half a gallon. That's a bunch of soda! Taking ice into account it's probably quite a bit less. (Courtney called me out for "over icing" my drink.)
I found it shocking how many people claim that 64 ounces is 2 liters. Of course this comes from the insane belief that 1 quart is 1 liter. Using good old Google unit converstion, you find
1 US quart = 0.946352946 liters
I know it seems like such a small difference, but even a tiny difference grows quickly as you scale up.
Two liters, or 2 quarts, it's still a LOT of soda. And since I have been told that Type 2 Diabetes isn't a lot of fun, I think this may conclude my research into cheap jumbo fountain drinks. Though I am wondering how cheap I can find a 64oz cup of water?
Krystal Lovers like hot buns.

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