Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Hangin wid ma peeps!

After my recent post about the wonders of Peeps, I got an email from Bob asking how my friends the Peeps feel about Rice Krispies. I felt this was a rather odd question, so I went to ask my Peeps about them.
When I asked them about Rice Krispies, they simple stared at me, in that way that only a Peep can. I felt perhaps they didn't understand me. So I fixed them a bowl of Rice Krispies. Again they gave me a blank stare. So I threw them in the bowl.
At first they were shocked and outraged. But I simply explained to them that together, we had trumped that cursed "Lucky." You know, that jerk who is always taunting and teasing children with his "Lucky Charms." Over the years "Lucky" has taken pleasure in giving us colorful shapes only to take them away. I remember in my childhood is was simply: pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, and green clovers. Later they added blue diamonds, which I tolerated. But when they added purple horseshoes, I called "foul!" Lucky is a bait and switch salesman!
Today, me and my peeps beat "Lucky" Our cereal has "Yellow Peeps!" Take THAT you crazy Leprechaun!
With the less than stellar result in the addition of peeps to a bowl of Rice Krispies, it then occurred to me. It's not about adding peeps to a bowl of cereal. No, it's something completely different and diabolical.

Yeah, you know where this is going, don't ya?
Before we go any further, I feel it is best to give a public service warning. Based on my years of experience with sticking many many things in a microwave, let me assure you, you don't mess with Micro-Peeps without extreme caution (and air freshener). Normally I make my Rice Krispy Treats in the microwave. But with Peeps, it's a bit different:

A Peep after about 10 seconds on high.

The same peep after about 15 seconds.

And after 20 seconds. Be thankful you can't smell the burned sugar!
So knowing that I might get a call from the SPCA or at least poison control for nuking a bunch of Peeps, I went with the standard method of making Rice Krispy Treats:
I'll leave it to you to figure out how much butter and cereal per Peep. But let me now officially present

Rice Krispy Peeps

Alright, so in the grand scheme of things, other than the color there isn't a great deal of difference. They are a bit sweeter, due to the sugar coating on the peeps, but other than that, it's roughly the same. But when you have a lot of peeps and a lot of time... you got any better ideas?
Well actually, I do. But you'll have to come back tomorrow to see them!

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