Thursday, May 11, 2006


What's the matter with the world today?

As I was driving home from work today I was wondering what I might post today or if I would just take a day off. Sadly, when I got home and checked the news, the answer revealed itself to me.
This article in the Macon Telegraph Online makes me a bit angry. Sure I love Krystal, and this kind of garbage hits close to home, but it goes deeper than that. I have been to that Krystal a few times. It's not terribly convenient from my office or home, but I have been there. It could have been anywhere though, so it makes you think.
Years ago there was a Krystal commercial that joked about them having locks on the doors. "Why? They're always open." Well yes they're always open (except Christmas and Thanksgiving) but that is changing. Many Krystal restaurants are locking their doors late in the evening (usually around 11 during the week) and only having drive thru service for the overnight shift. It's amazingly tough to rob a restaurant thru the drive through.
I fondly remember late nights when I was in college, I would gather with fraternity brothers and college friends at the Krystal on Spring Street here in Macon. It was a great gathering place cause we knew it was going to be open and serving great food. OK, so to show I am not the insensitive brute some may feel I am, I feel it is my duty as a member of the KLHOF to offer whatever assistance I can. I happen to have an inside line on some free Krystals. I'm willing to pitch in a sackful of Krystals to anyone who assists the WR police in catching the losers who robbed the store down there. I may not be CrimeStoppers but I do what I can.
So lets be thankful no one got hurt. Lets hope the crooks get caught. And be sure to thank the folks behind the counter at Krystal staying open late and saying "Come on in!" when the of the world seems to be locking the doors and saying "Go away!"
Peace and Love
(With Chili and Cheese)
I'm A Krystal Lover

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